Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Ebook Download , by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

Ebook Download , by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

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, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

Ebook Download , by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

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, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon

Product details

File Size: 112042 KB

Print Length: 272 pages

Publisher: Vertigo; Deluxe edition (April 22, 2014)

Publication Date: April 22, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#7,414 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I bought this book 3 years 8 months and 5 days ago. it was about a month after my grandmother had passed away from a year long battle with stomach cancer. As I read it I could feel each page getting heavier and heavier . I didn't want to go on because i just had a feeling of where this book was going and i didn't want to go to that place. But the book drew me on with its amazing art and well told story. How each chapter slowly showed you the whole tapestry of Bras's life piece by piece was truly an amazing sight to behold and experience. Then i reached the end, and it broke me. I have never cried so hard over a graphic novel. It's just pictures and words right? this is the stuff hollywood calls storyboards, it shouldn't bring out this much emotion. but it did.I never read it again, until yesterday. I thought it wouldn't get to me as much as the first time i read it. Nope, it struck just as hard. This is one of those books that depending on where you are in life will affect you differently.So in my opinion if you want a graphic novel with fantastic art and an amazing story that will tug at your heartstrings and make you take stock of your life. Then read this. If you made it this far thanks for reading my first in depth review. Have a good one

The last few pages left me speechless. It is not often that a book can sum up so many unspoken things, and I guess that is, ultimately, the point; that we can't tie up all our loose ends, but this fact will never stop us from trying, and striving to find that meaning (whatever it is). This is why I love the art form of a graphic novel, because sometimes words are not enough, and sometimes an image does not encompass it all, but only by the combination do we come closer to a truth. This was artfully done, though at times draws to much attention to the author. It trusts the audience to come to it's own conclusions. It is smart and biting. I loved every page.

Daytripper is a soap opera turned into the comic book format. The story stars Bras de Oliva Domigos, a Brazillian obituary writer and aspiring novelist. The story checks in with Bras at various points in his life, tracking his relationship with friends, family, and his career.The twist on the story is that at the end of every issue, Bras dies. Then the next issue he's back. The whole book is a reflection on what life really means, and what's important in it, so these 'deaths' serve as a good way to reinforce how it could all end any second. However, I have to admit, some of the deaths come off as forced, and take away from the quality of the book. Still, this was an enjoyable read.

This is a wonderful written meditation on family, work, love and legacy. Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba have accomplished what so few have - they've made a masterpiece. I found no flaws in the any of the 247 pages.Bras is the central character. He is the son of a world-famous writer. Each chapter of this story takes places at a different time in his life - early working career, college, first love, childhood weekends on the family farm, the day his son his born, etc... They are all handled deftly and accurately - so much so that many readers can universally identify.

Daytripper takes a close look at death and confronts several versions of the inevitable. You'll often find yourself feeling happy for the lives that were lead and heartbroken for the ones that were taken too soon. I had to take a break on a couple of the stories because of how parallel some of the stories were with personal experiences. Don't let that keep you from picking this up. Daytripper will easily become one of your favorites.

If you don't read things because they are graphic novels or comics because they are "for kids" then you are missing out. I've read two in the past year which easily stand up to some of the greatest non-graphic novels of all time. The first was Logicomix by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadimitriou and now there is Daytripper by Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon.Daytripper is the story about one man's life living in the shadow of his father (a world famous author). He struggles to free himself from the shadow of his father, make a name for himself, experience love and loss, all while dying on each of the most important days of his life. His death always revealing something about how we evaluate our own lives, success and failures. It makes us examine our own situation to rethink our values and what we consider to be important or hinge our happiness on. By the end I was in tears (in a good way).

There are so many great things about Daytripper. The colors, textures, artistry, stories and the writing style are all wonderful and very....different. Nothing is within the realm of normal in regards to this work of art. It's the type of read that will give you that elusive eerie feeling. And perhaps a shiver or two down your spine.I enjoyed that the pages of the book felt more like a newspaper than a glossy photograph like some graphic novels. I think it added to the experience as a whole. Made it feel more real in some way. I know, a weird thing to take into consideration but it made a difference to me.I had a really hard time putting this down and didn't want it to end. But when it was over I felt very satisfied with the path it had taken me and the way it delivered me to that ending....or beginning. I look forward to more material from these two very talented people in the future.

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, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon PDF

, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon PDF
, by Gabriel Ba Fábio Moon PDF
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Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Free Ebook Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis

Free Ebook Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis

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Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis

Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis

Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis

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Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis

About the Author

Jim Davis was born on July 28, 1945, in Marion, Indiana. He later attended Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, where he distinguished himself by earning one of the lowest cumulative grade point averages in the history of the university. The Garfield strip was born on June 19, 1978, syndicated in forty-one U.S. newspapers. Today it’s syndicated in more than 2,100 newspapers worldwide with more than 200 million readers, leading Guinness World Records to name Garfield The Most Widely Syndicated Comic Strip in the World. Davis has had many successes with Garfield, including four Emmy Awards for Outstanding Animated Program and induction into the Licensing Hall of Fame (1998), but his most prized awards are from his peers in the National Cartoonist Society: Best Humor Strip (1981 and 1985), the Elzie Segar Award (1990), and the coveted Reuben Award (1990) for overall excellence in cartooning.

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Product details

Series: Garfield

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Ballantine Books; Combined edition (March 19, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0425285782

ISBN-13: 978-0425285787

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#27,043 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis PDF

Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis PDF

Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis PDF
Garfield Fat Cat 3-Pack #12, by Jim Davis PDF
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Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Free Ebook , by Michael Gordon

Free Ebook , by Michael Gordon

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Free Ebook , by Michael Gordon

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, by Michael Gordon

Product details

File Size: 4216 KB

Print Length: 12 pages

Publication Date: May 9, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B071NV968X



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Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,749,060 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Bella can't wait until her baby brother, Harry, comes home. She is eager to share and play with him. Once little Harry arrives home, Bella is disappointed that he is not able to interact with her in the ways she expected. As time passes, the siblings share experiences and grow in their love for each other.This book is written in rhyme with large expressive illustrations. The author has a similar book featuring a big brother. Recommended as a bedtime story for preschoolers.

Storyline was good. The description says a little girl looking up to her big sister. My book was about a baby brother becoming a good playmate as he grew older.

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, by Michael Gordon PDF
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Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Download Ebook Here If You Need Me

Download Ebook Here If You Need Me

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Here If You Need Me

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 5 hours and 34 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Hachette Audio

Audible.com Release Date: July 31, 2007

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Great story. Well written. Engaging. Most Memorable line? "Make your stand in the parking lot..." says a Daddy Warden to his 12 yo daughter who is painting his toe nails the evening after the Game Wardens find a murdered college girl who was forced into the vehicle of a suspected serial killer.I can still "see" the red gloves of a little girl who fell through the ice and "feel" the cold wet uniform of the Warden who broke through the ice a few steps from shore to carry her out.I can "see" the grin of a man who's Mother is lost in the woods as he looks at a room full of volunteers that have come to help search for her and "hear" his Joy that so many people came together for his Mom.The use of language is simple and satisfying.

Here If You Need Me was recommended by my friend Emily.While I don’t normally read non fiction, when said friend recommended it, I ordered it.I think there are things that God puts in our lives, people that are put in our lives at absolutely necessary times. I think I was meant to read this book because the messages I received were questions I’ve pondered for far too long without saying them out loud—only in silent prayer.“Thank God for the blessing of breaking hearts, the blessing of mourning, the blessing of being, and the blessing of being in love.”I was scared of losing people close to me. When my cousin was killed—how such awful evilness can exist—I questioned the bigger plan. God. And everything else in between.These events, and this book, have taught me gratitude at a very slow, vulnerable level.This isn’t a book about God, or religion. It’s a book about love. Told by Kate Braestrup, a widow, and the Chaplin for the Maine Warden Service, she makes a personal connection to grief, and love, and healing. It’s a true story.“For grief is just love squaring up to its oldest enemy.” (This quote isn’t in the book, it’s one I found online from Kate.)I cried.I laughed.I cried some more.I marveled in her beautiful words.“A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.”The miracle of this, I think, is when we can look back on our biggest hurts and say, “Yeah, that really hurt. It was really painful. I’m grateful where we’re at today.”So, thanks, Kate, for this beautiful book. You have helped shape the way I look at life from here on out. ❤️

I read a library copy of this wonderful book when it was published 10 years ago and have thought about it and quoted from it more times than I can count. I was so happy to find the Kindle version as a "Daily Deal" and to reread it. It's just as good as I remember.The author is a woman who got dealt a terrible hand. Her husband (a respected and beloved State Patrol officer)was killed in a car wreck, leaving her to raise four children aged 10 and under. In the midst of her pain and panic, she managed to keep her off-beat sense of humor and to observe and remember what brought comfort to her in grief and what DIDN'T. Her husband had planned to become a Unitarian/Universalist minister. Seeking a way to channel her need to help others, she attended seminary in his place and became chaplain to the Maine Warden Service.It's the story of her early life and how it led her (surprisingly) to an adult life as the wife of a cop and the mother of four. It's the story of her husband's death and how she refused the role of "plucky widow" and how she and her children went on living - never forgetting the man who had been so important to them, but finding ways to cope and to honor his memory.It's also the story of a group of law enforcement officers who remain quietly in the background until disaster strikes. At that time, they become the most important people in the world. We think of game wardens as lucky folks with stress-free jobs who get to spend all day communing with nature. In reality, they spend most of their time dealing with people and there are some rough customers out in the woods. It is statistically one of the most dangerous law enforcement jobs in the world and they wear guns and body armor for a reason. They also coordinate search and rescue missions. Some end well; others end in tragedy. It's a stressful job that's frequently heart-breaking. Kate's role is to listen and comfort worried parents, grieving spouses, and the wardens who can't always leave the job behind when they go off duty.This is a beautifully written, thought provoking book by a woman you wish you could have for a friend. If you haven't read it, you should.

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