Selasa, 25 Juni 2019

Ebook , by Julie Hatfield

Ebook , by Julie Hatfield

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, by Julie Hatfield

, by Julie Hatfield

, by Julie Hatfield

Ebook , by Julie Hatfield

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, by Julie Hatfield

Product details

File Size: 4263 KB

Print Length: 124 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Otherworld Publishing (July 30, 2014)

Publication Date: July 30, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#100,848 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I thought this would be about blending dry herbs to create tea blends. Instead, it details how to brew various exotic teas, many of which have uncommon ingredients like granadillas, lemon myrtle, and black tapioca pearls, to name a few. Interesting, but I doubt I'll ever use the information.

First off, this is an excellent reference book for tea combinations; that is, mixing various true teas with herbal teas to create unique teas. What I mean by "true tea" is that tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant, in combination and/or mixing of other plants that yields the many herbal teas. Ms. Hatfield's recipes are unique and fun to create, well tested and easy to follow. Just as mixologist uses alcohol to create mixed drinks, this book is a guide to making special mixed tea drinks. So if you are tried of drinking the same old tea, no matter how good, mixing makes it even better and this book tells you how to make your new tea combination.

What a great book. The combinations are healthy, different and I am looking forward to trying them out. I am looking at the green tea, rose and nettles to start, which is great for women's health.

This book had great variety, it is unfortunate I live somewhere where some product isn't readily available, otherwise, I'd be trying every recipe!

I've only tried one tea recipe so far but man was it good. I look forward to trying the others. I have this on my kindle and the lay out is great. Thank you

As expected.

Great book!

Good versatile recipes for great tea

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, by Julie Hatfield PDF
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Minggu, 16 Juni 2019

Free Ebook , by Evan Thomas

Free Ebook , by Evan Thomas

Expecting a boosted thoughts and minds are a must. It is not only done by the people that have huge jobs. That's also not just conducted by the trainees or income earners in solving their duties problems. Every person has exact same chance to seek and also look forward for their life. Enriching the minds and thoughts for much better way of living is a must. When you have actually made a decision the methods of exactly how you obtain the troubles as well as take the fixing, you should require deep thoughts and also inspirations.

, by Evan Thomas

, by Evan Thomas

, by Evan Thomas

Free Ebook , by Evan Thomas

Looking for the brainwave ideas? Required some books? The number of publications that you require? Right here, we will certainly ere among it that can be your brainwave concepts in worthwhile use. , By Evan Thomas is what we indicate. This is not a manner making you directly abundant or wise or unbelievable. Yet, this is a fashion to constantly accompany you to always do and improve. Why should be far better? Everyone will have to accomplish terrific progress for their way of life. One that could influence this instance is understanding for brainwave from a publication.

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, by Evan Thomas

Product details

File Size: 43719 KB

Print Length: 455 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0399589287

Publisher: Random House (March 19, 2019)

Publication Date: March 19, 2019

Sold by: Random House LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#11,620 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

While I was reading this book, I saw that author Evan Thomas mentioned Joan Biskupic's biography of Sandra Day O'Connor (titled Sandra Day O'Connor) as a source (one of many sources) while writing the book. I found a copy of that bio, first published in late 2005, and read both books, comparing as I went along. Both writers make an effort to portray O'Connor as more than a Supreme Court Justice, going into her childhood and career before the Supreme Court. Both authors did interview O'Connor, although Biskupic's interviews were conducted as part of her reporting on the Court, while Thomas interviewed O'Connor after her retirement specifically for the biography. Thomas's biography included some sources that Biskupic didn't have access to such as John O'Connor's (Sandra Day O'Connor's husband) unpublished memoir and his diaries. Thomas also discusses O'Connor's life after her retirement, while Biskupic's book ends just as O'Connor is retiring from the Supreme Court. Thomas interviewed many, nearly all, of O'Connor's law clerks from her Supreme Court years, giving a little extra insight into her day to day activities at the Court.Still, I came away thinking that if you had to choose between the two books, you might do better to read Biskupic's than Thomas's. For instance, Biskupic showed how O'Connor had been political well before her rise through the court system -- she had even lobbied Nixon to nominate a woman to the Supreme Court (she endorsed a colleague, but it's easy to believe she thought she herself might also be a good candidate) and had been active in Republican politics since serving on Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign. Biskupic was also more descriptive about William Rehnquist's views on race, leaving the reader with little doubt that he had racist views, while Evan Thomas glosses over the subject with a footnote mentioning rumors of racist behavior. This was relevant to a book about O'Connor because Rehnquist and O'Connor were very close (even romantically close at one point in their college years) and decided almost identically during O'Connor's first years on the Supreme Court, although as time went on, she broke with the conservative bloc more often. The Bush v Gore decision comes across as a shockingly poor judicial decision in both books.Both books are full of interesting inside the court information as well as fascinating analysis of court cases and how they were decided.

Among the Justices who have served on the Supreme Court since the start of that institution, Sandra Day O'Conner ranks among the very best. This 400+ page biography provides the reader with the story of how she became the outstanding Justice she was. It also provides insight into the workings of the Supreme Court.Sometimes, it comes off as a bit fawning or a bit dismissive of her faults. That is normal in the realm of biographies, especially those that rely upon family cooperation and the cooperation of the subject to get written (as this one did).Hers was a brilliant mind, brought down late in life by Alzheimer's. Her husband John preceded her that way; in fact, his Alzheimer's was the reason she retired. John gave up his career for her to be on the Court, so when he became disabled she felt it was her turn to give up her career for him.I reviewed the advanced uncorrected proofs, but found few errors. Though the cover shows a single author, Evan Thomas, the book was actually written as a joint project with his wife Osceola. The quality of this text (actually written in Standard Written English, excellent wordsmithing, and good rhythm to the prose) immediately gives the impression he has done this before. At the time of this writing, Thomas has nine books to his credit.From the cover and first inside page, you get the impression this book is about her being first. There's a list: 35 years before Hillary Clinton secured the nomination, 32 years before Sheryl Sandberg leaned in, 16 years before Madeline Albright became Secretary of State, 12 years before Ruth Bader Ginsberg joined her on the bench, and 12 years before Sally Ride went into space. Other firsts are mentioned throughout the book.While this is an important theme in the book, along with the gender discrimination barriers she broke, it's not the central theme. The central theme is how, for quite some time, the Supreme Court was the O'Connor Court. Hers was often the deciding vote, and we see her fine legal mind at work in the reasoning behind her vote in the many examples provided by the author. Unlike the other Justices (generally), she was looking forward to the effect a given decision would have in the future and what its ripple effects and backlash might be. That, by definition, made her both a visionary and a leader.As a leader, she avoided making offensive or belittling remarks about other Justices or their decisions. The great jurist, Justice Scalia, lacked this restraint and that is why (IMO) he was passed over for Chief Justice when Rehnquist retired. She wanted the Court to be respected, and that meant keeping high standards of behavior in communication and decorum.She also had serious concerns about the breakdown in civility in Congress and in our political system generally. Another concern she had was that, in our lay citizenry, the level of ignorance about civics is profound (my words, not hers). Some years ago, a law firm commissioned a study of college seniors and found that only 40% could identify the three branches of government. On a multiple choice question. On and on it goes, and this is a huge problem. Even sitting presidents incorrectly identify our type of government; Teddy Roosevelt managed to replace a bicameral Congress with two popularly elected chambers, and more recently GW Bush repeatedly referred to our government as a democracy. In a civics-savvy country, these things would not happen.Some years ago, I watched a documentary in which Justice O'Connor and Justice Breyer gave a civics class to grade schoolers. She showed them how small our Constitution is (she always carried a copy in her purse, too). And they both explained its basic concepts.Recently, I was involved in a petition drive to stop a particularly egregious act of fraud and corruption on the part of the local government. The First Amendment protects our right to "petition the government for redress of a grievance" and yet many people I spoke with did not know this. Most people believe the First Amendment gives you the right to be rude to other people, but they have no idea it protects your right to speak out to the government. It's these kinds of things that Judge O'Connor saw long before being nominated to the Supreme Court.I don't know if it's an unintended or intended consequence, but Evan and Osceola Thomas have paid the ultimate tribute to Justice O'Connor by showing, in a very interesting and engaging way, a few things about how the government works. For that, I am sure her family and friends are grateful.This book consists of 16 chapters, and runs just over 400 pages (including photos). The narrative follows pretty much in chronological order. The book is exhaustively researched, as both the Notes and Bibliography show. But it's one thing to read a written source and take notes from it (that was one way this book was researched) and quite another to spend hours interviewing a person (and then another and then another) from one to a dozen times to get information. All the collating, cross-checking, and sifting of this information was no minor chore. I really appreciate what the authors have done.This book makes an excellent addition to anyone's personal library.

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Senin, 03 Juni 2019

Get Free Ebook Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione

Get Free Ebook Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione

So, this is what this publication supplies to you. You may take no notice of this details concerning Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, By Gianni Francione Disregarding the benefits of this publication will companion you to regret. Yeah, the advantages of reading this publication will be exact same with others. Enriching the experience, understanding, and also inspirations are the common ways of you to check out some books. But, the in addition, the benefits will be shown from each book when reading and completing it.

Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione

Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione

Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione

Get Free Ebook Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione

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Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione


"Francione continues his examination of contemporary Balinese architecture, visiting 21 residential dwellings selected because of their architectural creativity and their un-hackneyed interior design schemes."—Library Journal

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From the Inside Flap

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Product details

Hardcover: 224 pages

Publisher: Periplus Editions; Hardcover with Jacket edition (October 15, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0794605672

ISBN-13: 978-0794605674

Product Dimensions:

9 x 1 x 12 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

6 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#500,991 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you like modern tropical interiors, then this book will not disappoint. Bali at its best. The book was exactly as described by the seller and was delivered in a timely manner. Will definitely not hesitate to order from this seller again.

As photographer and a home builderI am completely thrilled with this publication. Wonderful subject matter and beautifully illustrated. I am planning to buy more by the same team. Anyone interested in Bali and pacific island and south east Asia life styles should look no furthers this book gives you some inspiration for what is best in these areas.Bali at its best.

Seven stars!!! I would give this book a seven star rating if I could. If you are interested in balinese homes get this book!!!


I love looking at tropical places, so this book is AMAZING.. also since it came pretty early its pretty good.

coffe table book type, i bought a few mainly for ideas and dreaming ;)

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Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione PDF

Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione PDF

Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione PDF
Bali Living: Innovative Tropical Design, by Gianni Francione PDF
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