Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Ebook Download , by Derek A. Olsen

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, by Derek A. Olsen

Ebook Download , by Derek A. Olsen

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, by Derek A. Olsen

Product details

File Size: 1833 KB

Print Length: 325 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Forward Movement; 2183 edition (September 7, 2016)

Publication Date: September 7, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#166,356 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I was nodding along with Olsen as he went through the structure of the BCP, the church year, the offices. But when he broke down the structure of a collect, it was pretty much world-shifting. I'm starting to look at prayers I've heard my entire life in an entirely new way.Rarely do I read a book and think how nice it would be to read it with other people. This book just begs to be used as a study guide by every Episcopalian that can get his/her hands on it.

As an early reader of Derek's blog, I thoroughly enjoyed _Inwardly Digest_ and am pleased to see him becoming one of the preeminent voices for liturgical renewal in our church. Most importantly, he argues for the Prayer Book as a doctrinal center and tool for spiritual discipline, NOT as a hook on which to hang his preferred aesthetic for worship. Parishes and individuals centering on the Prayer Book can look as different as humanly possible -- but in Derek's telling, they will be accomplishing incredible things from the perspective of catechesis, spirituality, and community no matter the aesthetic choices, Rite I vs Rite II, high church or low, etc.I would particularly love to see a further revival of the Daily Office along the lines Derek lays out here. His treatment of the Office is admirable in its flexibility and sensitivity to real-world concerns. He is not arguing that all Episcopalians should pray like monastics. Instead, he offers a deep discussion of what each element of the Prayer Book Office can provide, with frequent asides about where our liturgies fit beside other Christian traditions.Highly recommended, for liturgy nerds and the newly initiated alike!

If you have ever thought of beginning a daily spiritual discipline, this is the place to start. Using the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, "Inwardly Digest" explains the WHY and the HOW of a daily spiritual discipline--as well as how to stick with it. Author Derek Olson likens it to the training a runner does for a race--be it a 5k or a marathon. There must be a plan. It must be done daily. There must be personal discipline. And when you mess up (and you will), you begin agan. And while there is much joy in a daily spiritual discipline, don't fool yourself: It takes effort to do it and do it right. And this is where this book will help guide you.On Advent I in 2012, I began reading/praying the Daily Office in the morning and evening and rarely miss doing so. After all these years, Olson helped me to define this special time in my day as consecrated time for God. I love that! Ideal for Episcopalians--but not exclusively so--this book will help you center your faith in a way that really matters. But be forewarned! If you take on and stick with a daily spiritual discipline, it will change your life.In addition, this fascinating book explains the WHY and the HOW of each part of the Episcopal liturgy. I am a lifelong Episcopalian, faithful in my attendance at church, and I still learned so much from this book! The sections on the psalms and the collects were eye-opening. The book is written for the layman in easy-to-read, conversational language--so no one should feel intimidated.If you're looking for an easy way to read/pray the Daily Office, get this for your Kindle from editor Eric Simmons: Daily Office Rite II Morning and Evening Prayers Advent Sunday 2016 to Advent Sunday 2017 ($2.99 for Kindle only).https://www.amazon.com/Office-Morning-Evening-Prayers-Advent-ebook/dp/B01LX45BS3/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481819853&sr=8-1&keywords=daily+office

The 1979 Episcopal Book of Common Prayer is a powerful tool for rooting and grounding individuals and communities in the Body of Christ but is rarely recognized as such. Here, Derek Olsen provides a detailed introduction to the 1979 BCP as a personal training guide for our souls. There is a great deal of theological depth to this book, but I suspect that a non-theologically astute reader will get great benefit from it.Marion Hatchett's Commentary on the 1979 BCP tells you where the book comes from. Olsen's book is its logical companion. It tells you how and why to use it.The audience I most recommend this book to is those who are in charge of confirmation classes, catechizing teenagers, or parenting children. Kids want to know why we do what we do. Teenagers want to know that Christianity is something of depth and interest with real impact on their everyday lives. This book will help parents, teachers, and catechists explain why. (But don't give it to them as homework. Read it with them or to them.)

I highly recommend this book for all Episcopalians (and anyone else who is interested in using the Book of Common Prayer as a resource for prayer). INWARDLY DIGEST not only guides one through the intricacies of the Book of Common Prayer, but it does so in a deeply spiritual manner. There are so many insights that will enhance the way you approach your prayer life. The author has a clear and practical understanding of not only the purpose of the BCP, but of the state of the soul and how to utilize deeply grounded spiritual practices in a way that enhances the use of the BCP. INWARDLY DIGEST is a valuable book you will want to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, not only for yourself, but even more so in a study group where you can discuss and implement the content by sharing your thoughts with one another without rushing. You will learn a lot about the Book of Common Prayer from this book, but even more important, It will deepen your prayer life! I know I used some form of the word "deep" at least 3 times. That simply means "very enriching." But deep expresses it best! I have been an Episcopal priest for over 3 decades and this is the best resource for the BCP I've come across because it provides for the state of the soul as well as the mind.

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Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Download PDF Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

Download PDF Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

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Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

Download PDF Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

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Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn

About the Author

Alan Thorn is a London-based game developer, freelance programmer, and author with more than 13 years of industry experience. He founded the game studio Wax Lyrical Games in 2010 and is the creator of the award-winning game Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok. He is the author of ten video training courses and thirteen books on game development, including Practical Game Development with Unity and Blender and UDK Game Development. Alan has worked freelance on more than 500 projects, including games, simulators, kiosks, serious games, and augmented reality software for game studios, museums, and theme parks worldwide. He is currently working on an upcoming 2D-adventure game, Mega Bad Code, for desktop computers and mobile devices.

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Product details

Series: Wordware Game Developer's Library

Paperback: 552 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1 edition (June 5, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781598220568

ISBN-13: 978-1598220568

ASIN: 159822056X

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

1.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,443,127 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I picked up this book hoping to learn a few tricks for game development in general, and with the intent of brushing up on my C/C++ since it's a bit rusty. Unfortunately, this book has very little useful information, and instead devotes 4-6 pages of screenshots on how to install every single application, library, or package it introduces. The first 100 pages or so are devoted to how to install Windows and Ubuntu; a third of the book that is, realisitically, completely wasted on anyone who would even look for a book on this subject. Each chapter has the annoying habit of presenting a 2-3 paragraph summary of what the rest of the book has just covered (as if you couldn't guess that by having just read it), and after the first two or three times, one really does not need full screenshots on how to install yet another program that is only discussed at such a high level it might as well have not been mentioned at all.If you just want to know what libraries or tools might be out there that happen to run on both Windows and Linux, it does provide a pretty good list of those. However, it doesn't really give you any useful information on how to use them, nor does it discuss anything meaningful regarding actual game development. In short, this is the single worst book on programming/development that I have ever come across--you'd get more useful information out of a couple of Google searches than this book provides, and spend a whole lot less that way.

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Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn PDF

Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn PDF
Cross Platform Game Development (Wordware Game Developer's Library), by Alan Thorn PDF
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Free Ebook In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor

Free Ebook In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor

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In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor

In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor

In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor

Free Ebook In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor

Trying to find the brainwave ideas? Required some books? The amount of books that you need? Below, we will ere among it that can be your brainwave ideas in deserving usage. In Another Time: A Novel, By Jillian Cantor is exactly what we mean. This is not a fashion to make you directly abundant or wise or incredible. Yet, this is a fashion to always accompany you to constantly do and get better. Why should be far better? Everybody will certainly need to achieve wonderful progression for their way of living. One that can influence this situation is getting the ideas for brainwave from a book.

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In Another Time: A Novel, by Jillian Cantor


“Jillian Cantor has penned a heartbreaking love story that will leave you sobbing in In Another Time.” (Popsugar, 30 Must-Read Books of 2019)“Compelling… you will be swept away by this beautiful story about the bonds of love and the strength of the human spirit.” (BookBub)“In Another Time is a beautifully written, utterly romantic story about a love that transcends time. The sort of book you wish could never end.” (Popsugar, 28 Buzzy Books to Read this Spring)“In Cantor’s superb novel, two kindred spirits struggle against the insidious rise of fascism in pre-World War II Germany. In Another Time is a stunning testament to the power of books, music, and love, and how they can endure, and ultimately prevail, during calamitous times.” (Fiona Davis, national bestselling author of The Masterpiece)“In Another Time returns readers to the place for which Jillian Cantor is known and adored: the heroism and heartbreak of the Second World War. Bookended by dueling narratives set in pre-war Berlin and cities across post-war Europe, In Another Time chronicles the star-crossed love between Hanna, a Jewish violin virtuoso and Max, a non-Jew. With her bracing prose and unflinching eye, Cantor catches us up in the sweep of history and reminds us of the interminable power of the human bond and the moments that can last a lifetime.” (Pam Jenoff, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Orphan’s Tale)“Filled with haunting prose, rich historical detail, and an immersive setting, In Another Time is a spellbinding story about the power of love and the strength of the human spirit. Moving and timely, Cantor’s novel provides an unflinching and nuanced glimpse of life in pre-war Berlin and offers a stark reminder of the personal cost of war and its aftermath. A stunning, transporting novel.” (Chanel Cleeton, author of Next Year in Havana)“Jillian Cantor’s In Another Time is a love song to the most powerful of all human emotions: hope. It is the story of Max and Hanna, two star-crossed lovers fighting to stay together during an impossible moment in history. It is gripping, mysterious, romantic, and altogether unique. I was enchanted by this beautiful, heartbreaking novel.” (Ariel Lawhon, author of I Was Anastasia)“In Another Time is a beautiful, beautiful tale of love, heartbreak, and an outstanding history lesson.” (Silver’s Reviews)“Cantor elevates love as a powerful force that transcends tragedy and shows how music speaks to even the cruelest hearts. [In Another Time is] a powerful story that exalts the strength of the human spirit.” (Kirkus)

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About the Author

Jillian Cantor has a BA in English from Penn State University and an MFA from the University of Arizona. She is the author of award-winning novels for teens and adults, including, most recently, the critically acclaimed The Lost Letter, The Hours Count, and Margot. Born and raised in a suburb of Philadelphia, Cantor currently lives in Arizona with her husband and two sons.

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Product details

Hardcover: 336 pages

Publisher: Harper (March 5, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062886231

ISBN-13: 978-0062886231

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

36 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#129,898 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Rather than concentrating on the period of WWII that relishes in combat and fighting, this story focuses on the before (1931-36) and after (1946-59).The setting for this novel centers on Hitler's rise to power in Germany and the affect of his reign after the war in London, Vienna, and Paris--the concentration being on the sociology therein. The romantic storyline of the main characters (Hanna and Max) revolves around Hitlers rise to Chancellor, followed by Germany leaving the League of Nations, the greater imposition of new anti-Semitic laws, then Hitler becoming fuhrer, and so-on etc...while showing the effects of this on their relationship since Hanna is a Jew and Max is not. Likewise when she wakes up ten years later, the plot continues to reveal the effects on the economy, social anthropology, and the new negative connotation of being a German in different parts of Europe.Lots of romance. The mystery starts at very beginning of prologue and pulls you in immediately. Do not skip the prologue!I was caught off guard when a hint of science fiction was embedded within the story. At first I was skeptical of it, but in the end very appreciative. Dont let it stop you from finishing the story.Perk---The top of the left sided pages remind readers of POV (Hanna or Max) and the year. I included a picture.

Jillian Cantor is an insta-buy for me. This book does not disappoint. I could not put it down. If you love historical romances this book is perfect for you.

A minute ago, I finished reading this book, I would give this 10 stars if I could. Jillian writes historical fiction like no one else.I have loved all of her books. I found myself sobbing when Hanna remembered where she spent those 10 years she couldn’t remember. I think all of us, have been to the closet. With what’s going on in our country & the world right now, you most certainly do not have to be Jewish to find this book filled with love & hate endearing, but it sure helps.

Absolutely loved this book. She is one of my absolute favorite authors and always knocks it out of the park. Historical fiction at its finest. Do yourself a favor and pick it up;)

This book had myself GLUED to the pages and kinda mad at real-life when I had to step away from the book but it was totally worth losing sleep over to get to that heart-stopping ending that I'm still thinking about right now!Told from different viewpoints and in different years; you won't be getting confused, trust me! In 1931, we get Max's side of the story of being a bookshop owner during the start of a difficult time in Germany. Then, you get whisked to 1946 to Hanna's side of the story and it's there that we learn that Hanna has lost memories of the last ten years of her life. As Max & Hanna met by chance, problems start emerging from Hanna being Jewish and wanting to be a concert violinist during a time that Jews are getting their rights stripped from them. Then, you add in the simple fact that Max is not Jewish but hiding a secret of his own that will shape the future for both Hanna & Max.I don't want to spoil too much of this story but I will say that once Hanna finally remembers what happened during those ten years of lost memories, you will have a tear in your eye for what happened. Also, this book will not a happy ending kind of book but for what this story is; it's the perfect ending for these two souls who only wanted to be with each during a time that was forbidden.I do have to say that my only problem was that I didn't get into Hanna's story until the very end but I did like Max's side of the story. I don't know if how it was written or what but Hanna came off to me as being someone that was never happy no matter what she was doing until Max was in the picture. Overall, it was still a good read and it's a book that I would gladly re-read over again!Thank You to Jillian Cantor for this very good book that will get anyone to thinking and it made me want to read more books by you!!I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book from Get Red PR!

This beautiful, well written novel is a look at Berlin before, during and after WWII. I have read many WWII novels and this one looks at the effects of the war on the people of Germany from a completely different perspective. It is well researched and so well written that the words just flow off the page. Even though its a book about war - the main theme is love - love of music, love of family and friends but most importantly the love between two people.Max meets Hanna in 1931 when he hears her playing the violin at university in Berlin and is immediately interested in her. His life has been very lonely since his father died and left him a small bookstore that is barely making ends meet. Hanna is working very hard to become a concert violinist. They fall in love but life in Germany is rapidly changing and it becomes forbidden for them to be a couple because Hanna is Jewish. Max has a secret way that he can save Hanna but is unwilling to share it because he is afraid that she will think he's crazy. Jump ahead 10 years and Hanna wakes up in a field totally unaware of where she is or where she has been for the last 10 years. She wants to go back to the bookstore to find Max but the bookstore is gone and so is Max. As she continues to think about Max in the coming years, will her music be able to keep her memories from destroying her? Will she ever see Max again?Be prepared when you start reading this book as it's a very emotional journey. I loved Max and Hanna and wanted them to be together, I hated what happened to separate them and I cried with them during the good times and the bad. This is another beautiful book by Jillian Cantor and I highly recommend it.I read an advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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