Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Ebook Download , by Kendra Elliot

Ebook Download , by Kendra Elliot

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, by Kendra Elliot

, by Kendra Elliot

, by Kendra Elliot

Ebook Download , by Kendra Elliot

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, by Kendra Elliot

Product details

File Size: 6478 KB

Print Length: 98 pages

Publisher: Montlake Romance (October 7, 2014)

Publication Date: October 7, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,124 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

On Her Father’s Grave by Kendra Elliot is a great start to the Rogue River series. Kendra is writing two of the four books and Melinda Leigh is writing the other two. On Her Father’s Grave is an excellent start to the series. I do not know why some books just connect with a reader and you cannot read enough of the book, I just know that this was one of those books for me. I could not read it fast enough or enjoyed it more.Stevie Taylor returns to Solitude, Oregon, after her father’s death. She realizes how much she has missed being around her family and her hometown. She is hired as a patrol officer in the department where her father was the chief. He has been replaced by Zane Duncan, who is not from Solitude. But he is well liked by Stevie’s family and her deceased father felt like Zane was one of his sons. Will Stevie and Zane be able to work together or will Stevie dislike Zane for trying to replace her father?The two of them must work together to solve the mystery of why a teenager dies of no apparent cause. There is an unknown substance found in the dead teenager’s system. When another teenager dies under similar circumstances with the same substance found, Stevie and Zane are afraid there is a big drug problem facing them. They need to find out what the new drug is and who is supplying it to the teenagers, before any other teens die.The hometown setting and the family closeness make this book an exceptional read. The characters are well developed and well rounded. They are likable and people you would like to have as a friend. There is a relationship beginning to build between Stevie and Zane and I cannot wait to see where it leads. Some of the family members are behaving oddly and I want to find out the reason behind it.The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. I was hooked from the first page, wanting to learn more about each of the characters. The mystery of how the teen died and who the drug supplier is was carried on until the end. Since this is the first in a four book novella series, these questions, and others are not yet answered but there is a good foundation for the rest of the books. My only complaint about the books is that it is a novella. I wanted this book to be a full length novel because it was so good. I knew before I read this that it was a novella, but I wanted more to read right now. But I will definitely read the other three novellas when they are released. I have read other books from Kendra Elliot and I loved them all. This book is a great read and I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a well crafted mystery.I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review. I would like to thank NetGalley and Montlake Romance for the opportunity to read and review this book.

To be honest I'm not normally a fan of ongoing storylines such as this. I usually like my couples to get a happy ending and move on from there. However, I tend to enjoy novellas when written by talented authors and so I thought I'd give this first one in the "Rogue River" series a try. Although I do own other books by Kendra Elliot, I'm ashamed to say I haven't read any of them. That's a mistake I'll have to correct because I really enjoyed this story. Zane and Stevie were both well fleshed, and I truly cannot wait to follow them along on their journey. This entire story was fast paced, full of action and suspense, and literally just flew by. I have no doubt I'll enjoy watching their professional and personal relationships develop as the series continues. I'm already looking forward to book 2 by Melinda Leigh next, and seeing what she has in store for Stevie's sister Carly and her estranged husband Seth. I may have to wait for a price drop though, because I'm not sure I'm willing to pay $3.99 for a novella.

NUMBER OF HEARTS: 4 1/2REVIEW:On Her Father’s Grave is the first novella in Kendra Elliot and Melinda Leigh’s combined new novella series The Rogue River Series. And like any good novella the story was over way too quickly.We open On Her Father’s Grave with Stevie Taylor returning home after the passing of her father and her getting tired of life in LA. But not all is smooth sailing on Stevie’s first day of work or the day before her first day of work. The death of a local teen has everyone on edge.Zane Duncan finds himself through into the role as Chief of police (and not by choice). But what can he do other than honor the man who treated him like one of his own. Zane knows something is not right with Hunter’s death but finding the answers are not that easy. Could there be more more to this than just a kid overdosing on a new drug?Like any novella I review I can't give you much more then I loved it. I can’t wait for the next installment by Ms. Leigh to find out what happens next in the quiet little town of Solitude Oregon. I do hope that we will get to see more of Zane & Stevie in future books too. I want know what is happening with them. If you enjoy romance suspense you really should at On Her Father’s Grave to your read list.Disclaimer:I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley & Montlake Romance in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

I really enjoy Kendra Elliot. In a series of four novellas, Ms Elliot paired with Melinda Leigh to create a quiet Oregon town that is beginning to lose its innocence about drug use. The chief of police and his newly hired police officer from LA are just ferreting out the issue at the end of this story. I presume it will continue in the next three of the series. As noted above, the characters develop quickly and are well drawn including the supporting cast. Many questions are raised and hints are given to make the reader wonder who is involved with the drugs. I believe this is a good start to a novel. If you like a bit of romance, that is thrown in, too. However, it appears the reader will need to purchase four novellas at about three dollars each to finish this work. I am not that enamored of the story to spend the money. I will continue to read Ms Elliot's full-out novels. They are adrenaline pushing and fully formed in plot and character and not overly formulaic and cost at least half as much as this Rogue River series. The Rogue River series would have made one pretty good book.

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