Senin, 13 Januari 2014

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Product details

File Size: 3348 KB

Print Length: 656 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1400030722

Publisher: Anchor (October 10, 2006)

Publication Date: October 10, 2006

Sold by: Random House LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#164,717 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

"Let politicians handle politics. An honest man has real work to do - Andrew Jackson”If you’re like me, you’ve probably sat through countless, idiotic meetings at your place of business because you were required to do so. Quite often, these asinine gatherings were led by the leader of your organization. Had Andrew Jackson been alive and worked for 21st century Corporate America, he would probably stand right up in the middle of one of these meetings and walked out the door. If the CEO asked him why he was doing so, he would probably look them right in the eye and say something like “Because, sir/madam, you are one of the most boring human beings on the planet and are wasting my valuable time.”This man did not suffer fools gladly. He was definitely one of the most colorful presidents our nation has ever had, and it’s always quite a nice change to read about a president who never really wanted to be

The major impression I had after finishing H.W. Brands’ biography of Andrew Jackson was the often mind-bending harshness for all concerned of what was then Western life. Just like in his great biography of Benjamin Franklin, Brands puts the reader in this case into both the mind of Jackson and into the raw, unvarnished often deeply disturbing reality of life at that time. The brutality of Jackson’s life, both what he experienced and what he caused, comes home to the reader. Jackson’s presidency changed the face of democracy in this country; his military exploits from the Battle of New Orleans to his invasion of Florida changed the country’s destiny. Jackson had a trait that comes through clearly in many places. It was his incredible ability to lead his men and the trust and respect that his men had for him which filtered down to the country as a whole. The precariousness and struggle that dominated frontier existence was a thread that permeated Jackson’s life. It led to the defense of the Union at all costs for the sake of security and to acts, some of them truly brutal, that Jackson justified based on that same need – security. Some of these acts he rationalized as “humane” when they were the opposite. As Brands notes, struggle was the norm for Jackson ever since his parents died when he was young and a British soldier in the Revolutionary War sliced the boy’s head open with his sword for being what the soldier considered insubordinate. The book transports the reader into the early 19th century and into the reality of life for Jackson and the people around him.As many already know, Brands is a terrific writer. The book flows smoothly, details are spelled out with just the right balance of narrative and quotes, and the pace is never too slow or too fast. Brands gives us the Andrew Jackson that people both loved and detested. I highly recommend this portrait of a man who changed America, for better and for worse.





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