Selasa, 01 Juli 2014



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Product details

File Size: 1743 KB

Print Length: 330 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins e-books (October 13, 2009)

Publication Date: October 13, 2009

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#278,468 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

very intriguing book about the germ warfare lab situated in very close proximity to both the Atlantic Flyway used by migratory birds and also to the Hamptons, where America's elite hang out. The author's research and interviews with former lab personnel ads much credibility to the book. It is NO coincidence that Lyme and other rickettsial (tick borne) diseases escaped from this lab and spread up and down the East Coast. As normal, our government strongly denies any responsibility for the outbreak even though prominent scientists from the lab imported specific species of hard ticks from places like Texas and Africa because of the ease these critters can spread deadly disease. I am not writing this from my secret underground bunker and I do not have on my tinfoil hat.

For a book about biology and history, Lab 257 reads more like modern horror, or maybe even a thriller. I became interested in the subject after seeing an episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory about Plum Island. While I took it most of it with a grain of salt (as one is wont to do with conspiracy theories, especially regarding "mutants" washing up on a nearby beach), it did make me quite curious about what was going on out there.Granted, most of Lab 257 falls far from revealing autopsies of little green men, mutated humans, or any New World Order plots, the content is significantly disturbing. Yes, the author makes the case that Lyme Disease was spread originally from Plum Island, and that the island's research facility was designed by a Nazi scientist, but that's not what scared me the most.The waste and mismanagement of the island is appaling, regardless of your own political views. For a facility that houses such dangerous pathogens as Rift Valley fever and foot and mouth disease, it was downright shocking to read just how pathetically the management handled dangerous situations. Even during Plum Island's "golden years," until its privitization, I couldn't believe the problems that were occurring there (holes in the roof, wide open ventilation ducts, peeling paint, etc). One chapter after privitization is entitled "Decline," and I honestly didn't know how it could get worse, but it did: raw, disease infested sewage flooding a lab during a power outage (the workers who prevented a biological meltdown were promptly fired after that incident), nine-to-five unarmed security watching over the facility, employees driving boxes of viruses around in vans, and leaving them at the ferry dock like any parcel. But honestly, the icing was how replacement workers hired by the company running Plum Island ended up stealing a van and other equipment from the facility, while filling in for striking workers. It made me realize that my local McDonalds is run better than Plum Island; at least they'd shut down the Golden Arches if they made this many mistakes.This would all be amusing if it were a Cohen brothers' movie, but the fact is that Plum Island is now a part of the Department of Homeland Security, located close to some of the most populated areas of the United States. And if Lyme Disease is the only thing that's gotten out of there, then we are truely lucky. After reading this, you'll realize why.There is a degree of contraversy over the author's sources, or whether his claims are true. But even if you take away the most fantastic, there is enough juicy information in here to ruin your sleep.Plus, it's well written. As I noted in the beginning, the book is nothing like the dry academic document that I was expecting.

A MUST READ! To understand where LYME DISEASE Actually got started in this country... a good easily readable documentary on Lyme Disease & Plum Island's shady post-WWII Nazi scientists the US engaged in having them defect & come 'work' for us--creating virulent and debilitating, as well as sometimes fatal--Bio Warfare weapons like Lyme Disease & other infectious illnesses from various viruses, etc., some intentionally dispersed throughout certain parts of our country periodically as 'experiments' on our own population. they started it, yet have never offered treatment for cures... and millions suffer with ongoing, often long term Chronic Illnesses that never cease, but gradually break down their health and ability to function at any near-normal level in most cases. The end game in these infections is to weaken immune systems therefore creating the inability to fight off and over come many opportunistic organisms. It's a travesty that absolutely needs to be addressed in our country, by our own govt. Perhaps they are too fearful that if the gen. population had a clue of the origin of some of these infections, that it would come back to bite them big time? Like opening up a can of (sickly) worms...





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