Selasa, 14 Juni 2016



Knowing lots of books could not prove you to be a better individual. However recognizing as well as reviewing books will certainly make you feel much better. Reserve at the device to reach successful is wise words that are uttered by some people. Do you believe it? Perhaps, only couple of individuals who like words and also rely on those words. However, you need to think it because publication can bring you better thing as expected as the aims of analysis as well as books. As the that we serve, this is not kind of rubbish book that will influence absolutely nothing.


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Product details

File Size: 30725 KB

Print Length: 783 pages

Publisher: For Dummies; 4 edition (April 17, 2014)

Publication Date: April 17, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#741,503 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I am a new iMac owner and have had my iMac for a month.I feel like I am ready to learn more about how to use it. This book is perfect for my purpose. It has 5 books in 1 starting with the basics of the Apple Mac which has 190 pages of information that is so helpful in learning about the Mac. The next book is Online Communications which contains over 100 pages of information about setting up email, using Safari, Face Time and message center. The next book is Beyond the Basics which has over 100 pages dealing with backing up, setting up wireless network, sharing files, running windows on a Mac and troubleshooting. Book 4 has almost 200 pages dealing with iTunes, videos, photos, movies and music. The final book Taking Care of Business has 150 pages on calendar, contacts and the iWork program with the spreadsheet, powerpoint and document formation. This is a great book to read now and then keep around for future references. I highly recommend it to all new Mac owners.

What can I say! LOTS of information. I just switched to a Mac from a Dell and needed to know the differences. This is a HUGE BOOK and it explained it all. Anything I had a question about...was in this book. And the fact I bought it used from Amazon make it even BETTER for the price!

What I expected

It is comprehensive to the point of overload but I miss the jokes and sense of humor that I have come to expect from "Dummies" books.

Good source, but not simple enough

Good for new Mac owners

I found it extremely helpful and easy to follow and I'm 68

Easy to read and understand.





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